請幫幫忙 qq
That evening, a cold wind began to blow. We all started to shiver. Then it started to rain again. We all got into our tents. But the tents were old and they all leaked. Water was dripping on to us. We tried to stop it but it was no use. It kept on coming in. Then one of the tents blew away. The four people inside... 顯示更多 That evening, a cold wind began to blow. We all started to shiver. Then it started to rain again. We all got into our tents. But the tents were old and they all leaked. Water was dripping on to us. We tried to stop it but it was no use. It kept on coming in. Then one of the tents blew away. The four people inside it had to squeeze into other tents. It was very uncomfortable and no one got much sleep. 這是作文的答案 想問問Then one of the tents blew away. 這一句 不是應用被動式嗎? 更新: 多謝解問. 我用的已是 牛津高階 和 現代實用(三寸多厚) 多謝解問 qq
多謝你的發問,使我也尋求其中所以然;於是我尋找了牛津字典,查blow的每一個解釋,其中,第3的解釋為: (of objects, etc.)be moved or carried by the wind or other air current (指物件等)被風或其他氣流吹動;被吹走 e.g.My hat blew off 我的帽子被風吹掉了。 The door blew open.門被風吹開了。 The dust has blown into the house.灰塵被風吹進房子裡去 所以,這篇文章採用了blow的”被吹走”的意思,因其意已是被動,所以並不用被動式。 其實,你也可以買多些大字典,因為這些字典往往能幫我們解決英文的疑問。