英文作交修改(200 words) 20 points~~
I'll never forget what happened this sunny afternoon. Today's morning, Peter and I went to the playground to play. When we were on our way to the playground, we saw a robber, broking into a Jewellery shop to rob some jewelleries. The robber was young and he felt frightened when ran away... 顯示更多 I‘ll never forget what happened this sunny afternoon. Today’s morning, Peter and I went to the playground to play. When we were on our way to the playground, we saw a robber, broking into a Jewellery shop to rob some jewelleries. The robber was young and he felt frightened when ran away with necklaces and gold after he noticed us. We followed him as fast as we can. We also called the police while we were running after him. Lastly, we caught the robber and the policemen came. Suddenly, I heard someone saying, “ Oh! What happened?” Then the policemen said, “Little boys, this is not a real robbery, it is just a film, the robber is Peter Cohen.”“The famous Actor!” I shouted. We apologized to the director and all who was disturbed by us. In surprise, the director said, “Little boys, you did not have to apologize. I decided to change the story to “Two boys and the Robbery” as I thought the new story was even better.” We thanked him a lot and got Peter Cohen’s autograph. After that, we went to the playground with excitement about being actors.
___first of all,you said 'I'll never forget what happened this sunny afternoon' but actually the time is 'Today's morning'. When we were on our way to the playground, we saw a robber, broking into a Jewellery shop to rob some jewelleries. ___you need not to said 'to rob some jewelleries. ' as you've mention the 'jewellery shop ' The robber was young and he felt frightened when ran away with necklaces and gold after he noticed us. ___how can you know how he felt? you can say 'and he looked really frightened' We followed him as fast as we can. ___AS FAST AS WE COULD!!! remember!! past tense!! Then the policemen said, “Little boys, this is not a real robbery, it is just a film, the robber is Peter Cohen.” ___shall it be 'the policeman said"?? it looks really strange if many policemen said that all together,right? ___does it sound better to change the new film's name to "the robbery and the two little heros" :) i really hope that this help you!!
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