- 棒棒堂..
- English course一問
- 8月11日獅子女同6月9 日雙子男夾唔夾
- Bleach死神每集既名
- 天后靈簽第88簽,求解簽[10點]
- msn 9
- 商務印書館尖沙咀圖書中心 點去--
- 請問1986年9月4日下午1-00 左右出生之女運程與性格.
問BIO 2006 CE MC Q.6 , Q.9
問BIO 2006 CE MC Q.6 , Q.9 可唔可以解釋下個答案問黎?
6. The answer is B. For A, if the concentration of nitrate in soil is increasing, then the rate of diffusion of nitrate from soil to the plant will increase since the concentration gradient is increasing. However, this is not the fact and the rate remains the same from X to Y. So, A is wrong. For B, you can interpret that at Y, the concentration of nitrate in soil and that of in the plant are the same. So, between Y and Z, the concentration of nitrate in soil is higher than that of in the plant. Therefore, nitrate is uptook by diffusion. For C, since diffusion occurs (no energy is required), the plant will not spend energy on active transporting. So, this is wrong. For D, you cannot determine it as there is insufficient evidence. 9. The answer is A. Alcoholic fermentation: Glucose → alcohol + carbon dioxide Lactic acid fermentation: Glucose → lactic acid For B, both of them use glucose as substrate. For C, by-products in alcoholic fermentation will not be further metabolized while that of lactic acid fermentation will. For D, alcoholic fermentation also occurs in animals.