


如題....請即日回答! Hi Matt, How was school today?I have a serious cold so I stayed at home.I watched some TV and slept for most of the day.What homework did we get yoday?What did we do in English lesson?Did Miss Pang Give us any English tests? Hope I can come to school soon! Kevin 更新: 老師要我用80字黎回番佢,但唔識做,可以幫我嗎?


Hi Kevin I am sorry to hear how sick you are. It is the time of year when almost everyone got sick. As far as homework, we were given a book report on "The art of war". It is not due for another week. Miss Pang went over the exam paper in class. However, she did mention an English test in next Friday. I can tell more later. Don't forget we have a football game this Saturday. Hope to see you then. Matt





Dear Kevin, I am sorry to hear that you have serious cold. Are you OK? Did you go to see the doctor? We had ____________(homework)______________.Don't worry! We will help with your homework. We__________(do in the English lessons)___________in the English lessons.Yes /No,Miss Pang didn't give us a test./gave us a test. Hope you will go to school very soon. Yours, Matt|||||Dear Kevin, I am sorry to hear that you have a serious cold. Are you feel bette?Teachers tell us to do _________.We _________in English lesson. Matt

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