急急急的醫學問題 請專業人士幫忙
以下是我一個很重要的親人的醫院轉介信,本人只是大約知道親人身上有甚麼問題,真的很想細緻的知道,心裡很著急,無奈太多的醫學名詞不能完全明白,希望請專業人士幫忙 。1/ HT2/ HBV carrier3/ Migraine (previously FU medical)4/ IOD12/05 , coccygeal contusion defaulted FU ortho10/08:- ALT 61↑- AFP normal= = = = = = =call back x USG reportSuboptimal image quality... 顯示更多 以下是我一個很重要的親人的醫院轉介信,本人只是大約知道親人身上有甚麼問題,真的很想細緻的知道,心裡很著急,無奈太多的醫學名詞不能完全明白,希望請專業人士幫忙 。 1/ HT 2/ HBV carrier 3/ Migraine (previously FU medical) 4/ IOD12/05 , coccygeal contusion defaulted FU ortho 10/08: - ALT 61↑ - AFP normal = = = = = = = call back x USG report Suboptimal image quality . Patchy and coarsen echopattern seen at the liver , features could be chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis change or fatty liver +/- noise artfact. No definite focal echogenic lesion seen in the liver. Contrast CT or MRI helpful for more definitive assessment of the liver . CD is not dilated . GAllbladder unremarkable with no gallstone seen. No asciees noted. Pancreas partially obscured. Spleen is not enlarged. There is incdental finding of hypoecoeic lesions over RT kidney . The large one is 1.7cm, features could be renal cyst. however,the smaller one which is about 1.3 cm, is less well characterised. Suggest follow up ultrasound or futher assessment with contrast CT.
1/ HT = hypertension 高血壓 2/ HBV carrier 乙型肝炎帶菌者 3/ Migraine 偏頭痛 4/ IOD12/05 , coccygeal contusion defaulted FU ortho 脊椎神經 08年10月 谷丙轉氨酶 (肝酵素) 高出了61 甲胎蛋白正常 (肝酵素其中一種) 回來覆診看超聲波報告 影像顯示 PatchyAnd coarsen echopattern seen at the liver
雖然我唔係醫生,但據我估計,你個親戚係個肝有問題,而且佢係一個肝炎帶菌者,喺佢右邊腎發現咗一啲嘢(可能係腎石,大粒有1.7 cm 細粒有1.3cm(我唔敢肯定)),家陣建議要做照聲波或者更進一步做電腦斷層掃瞄(CT) 不過其中一項我識睇,係話佢0既 AFP(甲型胎兒蛋白)係正常,亦即係話佢冇發現有肝癌的症狀。 不過我可以介紹一啲醫護人員俾你識,你可以攞份報告俾佢哋睇,仲要係唔駛錢。你有興趣可以醫貓俾我:MJ_Catson@yahoo.com.hk