https://i.na.cx/1WKC2h.png1. In the figure, the two circles intersect each other at A and B. O is the centre of the smaller circle OBC and OAE are straight lines. If AB = BC, find ∠CDEhttps://i.na.cx/KkyxH2.png2. In the figure, ABC and EDC are straight lines. Which of the following is/are... 顯示更多 https://i.na.cx/1WKC2h.png 1. In the figure, the two circles intersect each other at A and B. O is the centre of the smaller circle OBC and OAE are straight lines. If AB = BC, find ∠CDE https://i.na.cx/KkyxH2.png 2. In the figure, ABC and EDC are straight lines. Which of the following is/are true? i) △ABE ~ △ADE ii) △CBD ~ △CEA iii) △ADC ~ △EBC 更新: 請詳細解釋 謝! 更新 2: same segment 不是要2點固定不變才成立嗎 ?
The answer is as follows : 圖片參考:https://s.yimg.com/lo/api/res/1.2/GS8aylGNYDeDmAAJIh7dlQ--/YXBwaWQ9dHdhbnN3ZXJzO3E9ODU-/https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3906/15069558550_5cef816ea9_b.jpg https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3906/15069558550_5cef816ea9_b.jpg