請問HKIAAT 2006年DEC BUSINESS law 考過乜
請列出b 及c part 的required。
B1. Explain and give an example showing how the ejusdem generis rule of interpretation works. B2. Explain and give an example of a "unilateral contract" B3. What are the characteristics of a fixed charge? B4. In the context of company law, explain what is meant by a "class right" B5. Briefly describle FOUR advantages of forming a partnership 每條都係4分, 必答 c. 唔想打,太多字 不過可以話你知出咩 C1 問私隱權同basic law (inconsistent),咁跟那個(8分) 有冇可能interception of communications Ordinance to become operative after its enactment (8分) chief executive role (4分) C2 分別specialty contract and a simple contract (10分) 解釋consideration must move from promisee 5分 之後五分,給個case你,建議 c3. 給一段字你,(唔想打)(太長) advise partial limited issue and the restrictions in making calls upon the sharehoder on monies unpaid on their shares (8分) advise lam on the liability of a shareholder in this new isse. (8 marks ) advise lam as to whether he can get rid of his shares quickly if the investment does not generate sufficient returns (4marks 0 第四條,問EGM要求(6分) WHO entitled to notice of EGM(4分) 給一段嘢, WHERE COULD fRANK FIND OUT eVA'S POSTAL ADDRESS? (4MARKS ) how could adam and Becky ensure that the resolution will be passed in the EGM if they know that the other 3 shareholders will oppose the alteration? (6marks) C5 (a) whether he is a reserve director of the company and, if not, whether he could be appointed as an alternate director whenever Nicolas is away (10 marks) (b) requirements holding qualification shares as a director (6分) (c) the procedures for registering as a director of the company in his case. 2007-06-05 17:25:26 補充: c5都係比段文字你其實你去買問題就得$10Tel: 28230600E-mail : hkiaat@hkiaat.orghotline:28230660Fax: 28230606Address : 27/F, Wu Chung House, 213 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kongweb-site : www.hkiaat.org