Brisbane 有無車(連司機)租去 Gold Coast
由於book唔到機票由Cairns直飛去Gold Coast,依家係Cairns搭飛機去Brisbane, 落機後唔想搭巴士去Gold Coast,因為我地有4個人, 唔知有無車可以租(連司機)呢?如果有可唔可以係香港book定呢? 咁我地可以一落機就可以坐車去Gold Coast,thanks! 更新: 一行四人去Cairns & Gold Coast,係香港book定租車平d定係去到當地先租平d呢?其實去呢兩個地方有無須要租車呢?
AUD195.00 1way from Brisbane International Airport to Gold Coast, OK? 195x2 return service back to the Airport when you leaving. If rent a car, it maybe good for you when spending time in Gold Coast as well. Around AUD360.00 for 4days pick-up/drop off at the Airport (Mitsubishi Lancer or similar) But make sure you ready your "International Driving Licence" 2009-11-06 11:14:07 補充: Cairns to Gold Coast flies Tue/Fri/Saturday at 6:10am Jetstar only
可以預先在網上 book 車(連司機),一落機就可以坐車去Gold Coast。 房車收費約AU$180,大車(七坐位 stretch limo.) 約AU$240,送到酒店。 網上 book 車有折扣,如book來回程再有折扣。 四個人,如行李大件,租房車未必夠位,租stretch limo. 較鬆動。 順便一提,如無信心在網上預定,或擔心航班延誤,亦可考慮乘的士。車費約AU$100 (Gold Coast 北) 至AU$180 (Gold Coast 南),另加附加費。 (亦要考慮一輛的士是否能容納四個人和行李) 2009-11-06 12:14:19 補充: 如需租車資料,請提出。CAAD3F79AE16AF09