to a large extent 點解?? 點用??
to a large extent 點解?? 點用?? 成日見人用,, 可唔可以俾dd eg.? 更新: 咁如果人地放係開頭呢? e.g. To a large extent, ........ 咁用又點解呢?
to a large extent解作很大程度上,用作副詞.例句: I agree with you to a large extent.很大程度上,我認同你的說法.You might be surprised I agree with him to a large extent.你可能會很意外,我很大程度上同意他的意見.First-quarter performance at Swiss Bank UBS will depend to a large extent on the U.S. economy.UBS 第一季度的表現很大程度上取決於美國經濟. Germany must bear responsibility for starting the first World War to a large extent.德國在很大程度上必須承擔起發動第一次世界大戰的責任. 2008-09-26 10:38:50 補充: To a large extent,the US crisis was actually made by the Fed.很大程度上.美國金融危機是由聯邦儲備局一手造成. To a large extent,the current economic crisis appears to be due to the borrowing and lending of money for the purposes of speculation. 很大程度上,今次經濟危機的出現是由於過度借貸在投機活動上所致.
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