

to supplier letter for borrow


Pls help me 公司需要一封信給廠,要求他們借辦,但他們的回覆是不能夠,要我公司買辦。現在我公司想出封信給他們,煩請幫忙,內容如下: Dear XXX, 我已收到你E-mail的回覆。 本人明白貴公司的運作,而我亦跟客人聯絡,談及有關貴公司的買辨事宜。我們一致認為是否真的有此需要,因我們製衣業也會有借辦給予客人參考質量、手工及質地。而客人的公司亦從不買辦。故此,我們不介意你公司提供損壞的貨辦給予我們。此外,你們只需借2-3款貴公司最熱門的款式給予我的客人參考就可以。 希望你們亦能夠明白敝公司運作。


Dear XXX, Well received your email. I understood your operation. I have informed my client regarding the purchase of the sample issue. However, it is not necessary for us to buy the samples since it is a general practice in the garment inductry to send reference samples to clients without charges and my client has never had to buy any samples at all. The samples are for my client to check the quality and workmanship of your factory. We don't mind if you may supply us some defective samples. We only need 2-3 samples from you which can represent your company the most. I do hope that you can understand our policy and operation. I am looking forward to receiving your favourable reply. Best regards, XXX


Dear XXX, I have received your e-mail. I understand your operation and I did contact my client, talking about your suggestion on purchasing the sample. Both my client and I are not sure whether it is necessary. In the garment manufacturing industry, we always lend samples to clients as reference of quality and workmanship.My client has never had to purchase the samples. Thus we would like to request you to lend us some damaged samples and only two or three from your hottest styles as references for my client are good enough. I hope that you can also understand our operation.CAAD3F79AE16AF09

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